Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Fruit Turkey Appetizer

This is a fruit arrangement that I saw on Familyfun website. It looked so much fun that I decided to make it for my son's kindergarten Thanksgiving potluck lunch. Needless to say, it was a big hit with the kids (they just loved looking at it) and the parents (its fruit, right!).

What you need:
1 medium sized cantaloupe
1 bosc pear
A couple of raisins
10-12 skewers (or more)
grapes, strawberries, cheese and clementine slices for the skewers

Cut the cantaloupe from the bottom, so that it stays firm in a platter, as the turkey's body. Use a skewer to attach the bosc pear as the head of the turkey. Make eyes using raisins, and cheese for a beak.

On the skewers, arrange orange slices, grapes, strawberries and cheese. Fix the skewers to make the turkey's tail.

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